Grum's Words 4
Life is what you make it. To a certain extent, yeah, I believe that. More often that not though, I look at this poem, and I just don't get it. It would be a good outlook to have though:
A moment of high
A burst of life
A day of laughs, or even
A minute of smiles.
Maybe the last day, month, year
Was worth it
Just for that experience
That point of energy.
And indeed it was
This is what's it about
Be positive, think forward
But patience is paramount.
Your next dose
Of what it is
That makes us go on
Is closing in.
The time, and distance
Depends on this -
The drive, and power
Possessed by thoughts.
14/06/2001 © 2001
The Good Thing
Life's too short.
Ever wonder why
Good things must die?
Yeah well I'm sure
No-one's got the cure.
Coz there are no answers
Only persistant cancers.
So fight to defend
Right 'till the end
The Good Thing
That is you and I.
25/06/2001 © 2001