Graham of Anywhere

Weird Life

Things all seem weird right now. Feeling a bit detached from the World. Have you ever felt a lot less confident than usual? A lot less secure? It's the only way I can describe this. I'll get plunged back into it when Uni starts again tho on the 9th. Pop:Tarts 2 hits town on the 13th, which is a club night in our Union which we do to make money for our LGBT Society. But before all that, my boy Gary comes back to Stirling on the 7th :) So my dreary life will pick up pace again soon.

Thursday night was very cool though, had a cool time in Genetic with Bex and Alana... I miss my Rock music when I'm not in Edinburgh! And it was good seeing the Dildo Queen for all of an hour in Henry J Beans on Tuesday. Dilly, for me, is kinda like an icon of the good times we had before we all went to Uni, or something like that.

And the ideas, designs, coding and programming for QA4, or Gay Youth 2004, is coming along nicely, hehe. So you better be eagerly anticipating it!

Grum, x