Hey.I have this huge desire to be productive. I wanna develop lots of ideas for QA. I wanna publicise SUSA (my Students' Association) to be best of my ability as Publicity Officer. I wanna devote as much time as possible to setting up Forth Valley LGBT. And I feel like Uni is holding me back.
Hours of tedious lectures, even more hours on pointless assignments that will be filed away and used for nothing. That's not productive, that does not seem like a good use of my time. But I need to learn the crap, do the assignments, to get the grades, to get a good job. (Supposedly). At which point I can forget all the crap I was taught, and start learning about how things work in the real world, things that relate to what I'm doing.
It's frustrating. And it's stressful. And all I wanna do is sleep.
And I spent 3 hours in SUSA Council tonight, listening to debates on the intricacies of the constitution. I just don't care about it. It's not relevant to me, all I wanna do is my job. I guess it needs to debated if things are being done wrongly, and maybe it's selfish of me to say this, but it's not a good use of my time and I resent being subjected to it.
What else can I complain about? :p
Personal inter-relationships with other people! Complicated, confusing, and hard-work. And I think, maybe naively, that it's unneccesary. And that's all I can say about that online.
On a positive note, I just got a text from an old friend... I hadn't heard from him in well over a year. So that's cool :)
QA Notes: Features to be developed by Christmas time are Member Search (heavily requested), an improved Who's Online, and bug fixes (eg DOB's). Long term goals still include an integrated Chat system. If there's anything else then use this thread. Cheers!
Grum x