Graham of Anywhere

Tag: Introspection

I keep most tickets. Gigs. Some film screenings. Occasional theatre performances. It’s not compulsive. I just like the thought of occasionally going back through them because I never remember where…
I ran out of strength today. Something slipped away. I don’t understand. I’m not strong. Not today.

Writing isn’t happening. The words don’t flow. My sentences are short and my…
Part 1: An awkward soul

With nothing to say (saying nothing). There's comfort in staying silent. No silly statements and no confrontations. Nothing to doubt and nothing to regret. And nothing to share…
I closed one month ago, now. I still visit a couple of times a week, even though the content never changes. I locked the system time at 5pm GMT, 11th May 2014, the point at which I flicked…
I've been thinking about me and my name. How I operate in different worlds. The professional world, where people expect to google me and find my LinkedIn profile. The online world where people might expect…
It's late and I want to sleep but I wanted to write something about the idea that we're each affected by the overall mood of the country -- the confidence level of a nation seeps down into the consciousness…
At the moment, I'm mainly stressed, and unfortunately, stress doesn't lend itself particularly well to creativity in my experience. Nonetheless, Robin and I have been talking about dealing with life, love…
I've never really found the motivation to build this place or to blog here. I guess it fails to rank on the ole priority scale. Maybe one day it'll grow in significance. In the mean time, I'll use this…

Speaking Out, 10 Years On

I'm not sure where exactly in the timeline that this event occurred, memories are badly filed and generally prone to corruption after all, but I do remember where it happened.…
So, Gary mentioned 'Tribes' by Seth Godin. I went and downloaded the audiobook, for free (woo). I haven't listened to that much so far but it seems quite insightful. I think I prefer when I'm either leading…