Rabbits And Monkeys And Amazon
Hello!!Eeek just took a look at the poll, and 20% at the moment don't like the new site. Oh well. Whatever. I guess. Design is a personal thing afterall (as said by Mark hehe).
I'm in old Edinburgh at the minute visting old friends and stuff, and we're all gonna go out tonight to catch up and drink and stuff. Heading for Frankensteins I think.. which maybe you've guessed.. is a theme bar. Very very cool though. And they do food at nite too :) Always good when you get the munchies. And I'm not always drinking (Jeff!). And tomoz I'm headin for Newcastle to see Katie and her lot!! :D
I think I'm possibly avoiding Stirling at the moment though. Just not in the mood for the flat at the moment, or the ppl in the flat.. because I think I'll end up killing. Can't wait until Katie and Lindsay come back. The Xmas holidays are too long.
Anyway. You won't have failed to notice Amazon.co.uk throughout the site! Due to the fact that GSO is now an associate. Feeling a tad guilty for kinda going commercial on ya, but Amazon is a very cool company, so go click thru and take up some of their cool offers and the like. Trust me, it's cheaper than buyin stuff in the shops.
That is all! Hehe. Gx!