I was in Manchester this weekend for the NUS LGB National Conference. The whole thing went very well I think... lots of productive stuff and not a lot of bitching (tho there was a fair amount of "Labour-bashing" from the very anti-Labour Daniel Murphy, who is the National LGB Officer, which pissed me off).*Anyway*, I think on a 'me' level I crashed and burned. I was too quiet, too unconfident, too unconnecting. Which sux. Which I coulda just went and made millions of friends and stuf, but instead I was like a rabbit caught in the headlights. But if you dump me into a group of people my own age that I don't know, I'm just always gonna be like that, especially if I'm feeling "not up to the standard", being constantly surrounded by hot hot moxie boyz.
Em, Canal Street was dead cool, we were in Spirit, Via Fossa, 46, Essential and stuff. Full of cute dudes :)
Back in Edinburgh and I've got four End shifts this week.... uuggh.