Graham of Anywhere

(Making and breaking) relationships

It's been an interesting little period in my life.

A couple of weeks back, I broke up with my boyfriend, Wilson. It only lasted a few months. He was a really nice boy but it wasn't all that feasible. I'll try to keep in touch with him.

A couple of nights ago, my first love announced on Facebook that he's engaged. His boyfriend seems lovely and he's living a good life, as far as I can tell. So, I'm pretty happy about that. I've always wanted for him to be nothing less than happy and I've known for a very long time that I wasn't the boy to do it. Took me years to get over him, admittedly.

Tonight, my dad called to say that he's engaged to his girlfriend. They're getting married in June, just a few days before my sister graduates from Uni. I'll take a week off and book flights to Edinburgh for around that time. My dad's girlfriend is cool. She's a strong willed and proactive New Zealander. No messing! Ha. It's cool though. Happy for both of them.

Simon, my colleague, is on his 5 week honeymoon in Asia and Australasia, so I'm looking after his business as well as my own at the moment.

And to round it off, I've just watched the finale of the final series of Skins. There's a final cross-generation series to come I think, but I feel like it rounded itself off pretty well.

Skins not included, ha, there's quite a lot going on in my head at the moment. I'm stressed but not overwhelmed. I'm pottering along in a semi-determined haze of clarity.
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