Graham of Anywhere


Saw Placebo play the Glasgow Barrowlands on Monday night. Amazing. Spellbound. Awestruck. (See, I could do those one-liners that critics do...). I loved it tho, seem to be seeing all my fav bands this year.

I appear to be 20 years old now. Two decades old. A note to the young ones (!): the older you get, the faster times goes by. So there ain't time for teenage angst. Tho the drama that it adds to your life will inevitably keep you occupied. Long live Dawson's Creek.

GSO has stumbled into it's 5th year of existence, having reached the grand old internet age of 4. Here's to the next 12 months. Cheers!

views: 970 responses: 6
R*s*   Wow.

Four years on the trot. Im kinda proud. Infact Im really proud. Im really proud of the fact that something with this kind of beatuiful cohearance has been around four years, let my pride in you.

GSO is something utterly heroic and to hold dear.

Thank you for it and long may it continue.

K*v*n S   Hey!
OMG Placebo r excellent!
And in-case u were wondering what all the fuss was about in-front of Brian, u'know, when he stopped, it was cos these mad arse guys were crowd surfing, and landed ontop of my friends 14 year old little brother. he couldn't get up and there were lots of people falling over them. Anyway, minor bruises aside, WOOHOO!
Brian and Stephan are soo f**king, what u think?
Luv ya hun

G*a*a*   First of all, Ross, ummm....... calm it boy! It's just a site after all. Thanx for your encouragement tho. :)

Placebo... yeah I was kinda near the front, but at the side, so I didn't really see what was goin on. I took pictures of the gig but I don't think they're very good. Haven't uploaded them yet.

Brian and Stephan.... hehehe... I sooo thought that. They had this kind of sexual tension thing going on onstage didn't they?!

Put more info on your gaydar profile Kev! And come along to LGBT!! :) Thurs, 8ish, Council Room!!

M*k*i*a*o*   I second that.. Why do gay guys have a phobia towards LGBT? It's not full of scary peope, we're nice, and cuddly, and gentle.. and we give you all free wine (occassionally)... so... What's your excuses?

LGBT, Thurs 8ish, The Council Room (The first left when going into the Robbins Centre.. yes the room that is usually the cloakroom.. the irony is not lost us!!)

K*v*n S   Sure, Maybe.
I don't really know where that is to tell you the truth. I didn't know there was a Stiorling LGBT thing. Where is the Robins Centre?
Is this in Stirling Uni?
G*u*   It hasn't been well advertised this semester :/ But the previous LGBT Officer has left, so we're gnna try raise it's profile.

The Robbins is the bit with Studio and Glow in it, just passed the Campus Supermarket in the MacRobert building.

We just kinda have a laugh, and those who need support can get it.

So yeah, come!
