Graham of Anywhere

Yay! I got it :)

I got in! So I'm now the SUSA LGBT Officer! :) Hehe. Re-Open Nominations got the highest votes for LGBT compared to all the other positions, so maybe there's an Anti-Grum club? Who knows. Still, it was a negligible amount, kinda. Got lotsa stuff I gotta go find out about now!

I'm looking 4ward to it tho.

And I'll mention now that I won't use, mention or otherwise promote this site. Just so I can say I've said it.

views: 942 responses: 3
r*s*   anti-grum club. pah. dont be a silly billy...but what i really mean to say is...

Well done,

Serve well

Rossco (show me a centrino)
R*o*n*   Nicely done. I think I'll be joining the society next year, you have been warned.
G*u*   Thanks Ross & Mysterious Boy Who Leaves A Little More Info Every Time :p, hehe.

Anyway, shit, Ross, I never texted you back.. goes to hunt down phone...

And Mr Young, good good! Hope to see ya in September! By which time I should have got my lgbt bearings a wee bit, hehe.
