Look out for a brand new 'offbeat' drama called Shameless, which promises to deliver a whole new perspective on gayness, religion, and brotherly love. The seven-parter was written by Paul Abbott, who also came up with Clocking Off. So I think it should be good!
Shameless starts this Tuesday (Jan 13) at 10pm, on probably the Western World's most outgoing TV station, Channel 4, which also brought us Graham Norton and the original Queer As Folk.
Might be forced to video this Shameless thing, coz the chances are I'll be goin to Vibe with Mike. Which'll mean gettin my ass through to Edinburgh. Fun fun.
Just got a drunken phone call from Gary + his sister in Ireland, hehe. The club was playin R&B apparently, which means he's on a high, and I was informed that his sister was pulling a black man, hehe. So. What can you say :p So I was just laughin at him, until he said he just phoned coz he just wanted to hear my voice..... :) ....I wanted to hear his voice too. But I'm just smitting now, so I'll move on...
Um. Tonight was quite good, just me, Lins, and Sam reflecting on life as we know it, and the scariness of life as we don't know it, life beyond Uni, the real world. Not got much time left until we graduate. OK so it's a year and a half away, but things go so fast. What the hell do we want to do with our lives?? (The computer has just randomly picked Lightning Seeds - 3 Lions, ugh, hehe, skips). I am lookin forward to having money again though, well, in theory. Eek.
Not much to do at the minute, before Uni starts again next month. Car hunting, and job hunting I guess. And I'm working away on QA4. And sleeping lots too, hehe. :)
Anyway, nite nite, Grum, x
[Emails... will get round to them soon!]
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responses: 1
L*w*s H*n*h*l* Ooh I recalled that I had read about this before when searching for 'Shameless' I saw the name of actor Chris Bisson. Interesting role for him to take, and should be interesting to watch. Chris Bisson went to Loreto college (http://www.loreto.ac.uk/), which is the college I nearly went to!
It looks like a trend with Mike taking you out with him while he corrupts fresh meat. ;-)
Aww bless Gary calling just to hear your voice. Whenever me and my sister go out together we ALWAYS end up near-comatose. :-)
It looks like a trend with Mike taking you out with him while he corrupts fresh meat. ;-)
Aww bless Gary calling just to hear your voice. Whenever me and my sister go out together we ALWAYS end up near-comatose. :-)