Hey again. Well since I updated last, GSO has re-entered the Search Engines... wey-hey! And the site has had it's busiest day ever, with 170 unique visitors on Sunday. And I've taken away the black background…
I was browsing the web today, minding my own business, when I came across the home of Genuine Jeff - Because I Am. All I can say is that this site is a must read if your questioning or curious about who…
Hello World!!! I've settled in to my wee room in the Halls at Stirling Uni, and I've got my email and stuff sorted out, so I'm still contactable on [email protected], which redirects to my Uni address:…
Well, the time has come! Today at 1pm I leave Edinburgh for Stirling. I'll continue to keep track of the site and update when possible, but as always, your words of encouragement will keep me going. Hopefully…
Throughout the UK, throughout Edinburgh, even in my local area, flags are being flown at half mast as a mark of respect. The attacks in America have rocked the World, and there isn't one community that…
On the day of the the worst terrorist attack the World has ever seen, I offer my deepest condolances to the people of New York and Washington D.C., and to those who have lost friends and relatives, wherever…
Today was my very last day working for Comet Maybury. It'll be a year on the 20th since we started stacking in prior to opening. It's pretty weird leaving something that you've helped set up, and worked…
The background colour is black again - I think it looks better - more of a contrast to the blue. And I fixed the link to 'The Vigil' from the Words Index. 8 days to go...…
A new page has been uploaded to the Words section... 'The Vigil', by Rick Desage. It's one that'll at least make you think, if you're not moved. You can read the author's explanation at the bottom of the…
I've only got 10 more days in Edinburgh, so the countdown is officially on. Starting to get pretty sentimental myself. And GSO's Web Traffic is on the decrease (probably inevitable after the change of…