Graham of Anywhere

Tag: Introspection

I feel quite sad today. I woke up late and didn't get in to work until 11am, which is an hour late because I rarely get in before 10. I was in the office alone and the phones just kept ringing. Our office…
I often wonder about my ability to fit in with the professional types, especially in the south of England where the style is hard and pretentious. It's clearly not my style as I'm right at home with friendly,…
Things gone by. Things affect everything. I've been out with maybe six or seven guys. Only two of whom really seem to matter in the long term. One hurt me, more than once. And the other, I hurt. And out…
I've spent a night watching depressing American TV. New series of One Tree Hill, and Brothers & Sisters. It's good stuff, I like depressing television and films, and music. But what exactly does that…
Hey you, are you the future?

I picture us in our home. A home, together, where we can base our lives. You do your thing and contribute what you have, and I'm doing my thing in my little world. We're…
Lost. Lost and Directionless. And ultimately lonely.

That's how I summarise the way I've felt for so long. Ever since the middle of high school. That's a long time to feel that way. It eats me inside.…
A thought for the boy

I need my independence, just like you. But I also, at the very same time, need not to be alone. I am strong, but what friends give is different from what a partner can give; what…
Sometimes I write all this stuff. Self-centric. Attempt at figuring it all out. Attempt at applying logic with the aim of rationalising everything.

This little train of thought is no different.

I'm really not a socialite. I'm an introvert who always ends up in social scenarios, talking to the people. It's difficult. Because I really ain't that great with the spoken word, I ain't witty and I'm…
Hmm it's been a long time since I've really written anything. Anything at all. I used to write lots. Most of it junk, but it was true catharsis. I should get back into the habit.

So. At the time of…