Graham of Anywhere

Blog about sexuality, loneliness, politics, and purpose (page 20)

I often wonder about my ability to fit in with the professional types, especially in the south of England where the style is hard and pretentious. It's clearly not my style as I'm right at home with friendly,…
Gary and I have broken up. It's a sad situation but I can't hack the distance. We're about six hours apart and travel is expensive. I was only seeing him about once a month maybe, during what I felt were…
The British are a fickle, foolish people. As a generic statement, I reckon that's true. I'm looking at the recent local election results for England and Wales. Labour, the ruling party, have had their…
It's been two years. And the world has changed.

Now though, more than before, I have an incentive to return to Scotland. It's colder up there and rains shitloads but I do miss it. And Gary's there…

QA Vlogging Guide…
So I think we're likely to see some interplanetary shifts in coming months, with some lost interstellar globes swinging their way into orbit around one expanding star.

Hehe. People should leave words…
Hey doods. I'm gonna write some stuff. I'm a bit all over the place right now, I thinx. So. Friday.

I drove up to Scotland last weekend for a gig and a non-date, hehe. The car almost broke down, which…
Tonight I saw Arcade Fire play the SECC in Glasgow. Best gig I've seen in a while! Arcade Fire have this orchestral-rock clash sound, and it just blows you away. Put a grin on my face anyway, woo. All…
So. I've been to North America for the very first time. Arrived in Toronto and made our way down to New York City via Buffalo and Syracuse.

NYC was pretty cool. I love how packed in it all is, feels…
Things gone by. Things affect everything. I've been out with maybe six or seven guys. Only two of whom really seem to matter in the long term. One hurt me, more than once. And the other, I hurt. And out…